All For One and One For All: How MDRN Activations Can Make Your Corporate Team-Building Event A Hit

One of our regular clients holds an annual company event where over 3000 employees are invited to the IGA Stadium in Montreal to celebrate their achievements. This past June, MDRN Activations had the pleasure of creating two interactive photo experiences that guests had a blast participating in.

It was a fun-filled day that emphasized making memories and working together as a team at work and beyond. Keep reading to learn all about it and how adding a MDRN Activations photo or video experience to your corporate event can bring it to the next level!

A printed photograph of a group of smiling guests sitting on the photo activation set.

One of our favourite parts of working with recurring clients is building a foundation of trust. This client gave us free creative range with almost everything they had planned, which you know we love.

The client, a video game studio, wanted to give employees an interactive photo experience with themes of team-building, togetherness, and overcoming adversity as a team. We knew the photo activation had to be a group activity, but what could that be?

There was lots of back and forth as initial ideas for a memorable photo activation concept flowed. One of the first contenders was for employees to pull the moon from the sky as a team. Following that vision, we decided on an innovative photo experience concept that was inspired by video games developed by the client.

In the first immersive photo booth activation, we had guests pose as though they were climbing up the side of a Mayan ruin. Of course, it’s never a good idea to go rock climbing alone, so the goal was for guests to work as a team to reach the top. For safety reasons, we couldn’t actually have guests climbing a rocky slope. So making the activation look realistic took some expert finessing.

immersive photo booth activation set

The photo activation set of a Mayan ruin laying on its side.

Ready for some filmography history? The old Batman and Robin TV show used an in-camera special effect to create the illusion of the iconic duo climbing up buildings. They built a set with the building laid flat on the ground and turned the camera sideways as well. The effect made the building look upright, and the actors could simply walk across the set floor to make it look like they were climbing up the building. Pretty neat!

Using the same technique, we built the activation set sideways. The backdrop image of a Mayan ruin was placed on its side, and all guests had to do was grab onto the rope vine, think of a creative climbing pose, and watch the magic happen.

After some pose suggestions courtesy of our photo Directors, guests started to get the hang of the photo activation. As far as photo engagement activities go, we think it’s safe to say we hit the mark on this one. Guests kept coming back with cool and creative gravity-defying poses, and the best part was that they did it as teams! Check out some of the awesome poses below.

company event guests posing on a photo activation set

A group of guests posing on the set.

A photograph being printed on site.

Event guests taking part in photo engagement activities

Three guests holding onto a vine as they climb a Mayan ruin.

Corporate event guests enjoying an interactive photo experience.

A group of guests climbing a Mayan ruin.

Event photography printing

A stack of printed photos of guests enjoying the photo activation.

Part of the photo experience we provide at events is creating a tangible memory for guests. We printed their photos onsite, and they could scan a QR code to get a digital copy instantly. Both the print and digital copies included our client’s personal branding.

Seeing how MDRN Activations’ creative photography solutions set the tone for the event was gratifying. The photo experience we created called for collaboration in the photos and poses with the groups involved, satisfying our client’s goal to the max. But that wasn’t all we did!

To really drive home the theme of togetherness, the client also chose our Interactive Mosaic Photo Wall. Guests entered our photo booth as groups to take up to three pictures. They could have the photos texted or emailed to themselves if they wanted a saved copy. Then we printed their photos onto 2x2 stickers, which guests would stick up to the mosaic board. Memorable and interactive photo entertainment!

From afar, the mosaic design was a branded overlay commemorating the event. But once you looked closely, you could see each picture.

The result was an art piece made entirely from individual employee photos. We finished a 600-image mosaic in about 3.5 hours! Check out the mosaic design below.

Event guests interacting with a photo mosiac wall

Guests viewing the photo mosaic wall in progress.

Mosaic Printing

2x2 photo stickers being printed on site.

A guest sticking a photo to the nearly-completed mosaic wall.

A group of guests poses for a photo to add to the mosaic wall.

MDRN Activations had a blast implementing our client’s goal of a fun, interactive group event for their employees. It was a fantastic opportunity for teams within the studio to work together at the photo activations and be a part of some awesome photo engagement activities.


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