Last Minute Event Tips [Checklist included!]

We had prepared this post before the coronavirus pandemic that has completely upended the events industry. We’re so happy that we had it ready, because there are going to be a lot of last minute events coming through just as soon as lockdowns and gathering bans end. We’re also here and available for anyone who wants to plan those events now, even without a date.

Last minute. Who knew such a simple phrase could ignite such stress? Although more job opportunities are indeed cause for celebration, they can also invite chaos and anxiety if you haven’t prepared well. As an event industry leader for years, we’ve been through our fair share of  delayed invitations and rushed timelines. From one small business to another, here’s how to pull off a last minute event without batting an eyelash.


First things first: consider not only if you can get the job done, but execute it well. Many well-meaning colleagues will tell you to never turn down a job, and while we appreciate their go-getter attitude, we’d pause before committing. Remember this: it’s always better to turn down a job than to do the job poorly. It only takes one negative review to tarnish your brand and sour your reputation. Reflect on the request from multiple angles: are you physically available to attend and work the event? Are you mentally and emotionally available to add another item to your to-do list without dropping the ball or responding with anxiety or overwhelm? Before promising anything, make sure it’s a promise you can keep.

One more thing to add on the “emotionally available” line - we know it’s not uncommon to grumble at last-minute requests or roll your eyes at those reaching out on such short notice. What nerve! But we’d rein in that mentality; this is no time to judge. Most will agree that these clients are often the most appreciative of the bunch. Accommodating their request creates meaningful connections with clients - and those interactions can turn into repeat jobs or referrals down the line.



Now, down to the nitty gritty details. In order to successfully take on additional projects and events, it’s essential that you have your procedures down pat. We would suggest creating a master checklist, organized by task or timeline, that you can follow for each and every event on your calendar. Then, when a last minute request arises, you simply need to modify your checklist and tick off the items one by one. 

In order to do this, you’ll need to identify and record every task you must take on to carry out an event successfully. Be sure not to rush this process - it’s essential to go slowly from start to finish in order to document every item. What information do you need to include in your contract? When do you need a deposit? What do you need to do to prepare your equipment? What items must you order? Who is your point of contact at the event? If you’re a bit lost or nervous that you’re missing something, we’d recommend creating a running to-do list for an event; after three or four, identify which tasks were universal, no matter the customer or project.

Even more, such a checklist gives your business the ability to scale. With the help of a detailed and organized checklist, you can identify items that can be delegated to other employees (and free up your time and mental space). Additionally, your company can scale to multiple attendants, operations, or projects with this structure in place.

You can find a mock master checklist below. Some may seem silly; is it really necessary to put “fill car with gas” on a professional checklist? All we can say is that it only takes one empty tank that puts you 15 minutes behind (and consequently stuck in traffic) to recognize the value of getting things done early. Please note that the checklist below is merely for sample purposes. Be sure to customize for your own business.



Now that you know exactly what must be done in order to have a successful event, it’s just a matter of applying the appropriate checklist to each event. If a prospective client reaches out to you with a rushed timeline, simply look at your master checklist and identify what tasks will need to be compressed, skipped, or completed. It won’t matter if they’re four months or four days out. 


With any event, it’s essential to be on the same page with your client - and even more so if it is a last-minute event. After looking over your checklist, explain clearly and firmly what you will and will not be able to accommodate, given the limited timeline.  Unless they are familiar with the ins and outs of your particular service, they may not realize that what they’re asking for or expecting isn’t feasible. Finally, make sure to put all of this in writing - it’s imperative to protect yourself legally.

In terms of a rush fee - that’s also up to you. Unless there is an explicit cost that you accrue by completing the event (such as ordering supplies that have to be rushed to you), we wouldn’t pass that cost onto the customer. They’ll likely find another company that will appreciate their business, and not fault them for their delay. 



In order to be available for last-minute bookings, it’s important to be well-stocked on all items that are necessary for an event. We would encourage you to have a backstock that will last you a minimum of two events (or more!) How frustrating to have to turn down a job simply because you couldn’t get basic supplies in time! Purchasing in bulk may also help you to take advantage of discounted prices. 

Although last minute events can be a little overwhelming, there’s nothing to fear. By following the steps above and creating a rock-solid plan, you’ll be able to squeeze in those unexpected events, providing stellar service for your clients and extra cash for your bank account. In the event you ever need a photo booth company, rest assured that we’ll do our very best to fit you in!


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